HCPSS Technology Information

Below you will find information and links to learn more on how to care for HCPSS-issued devices and stay safe online as well as learn what to do if there is an issue with your Chromebook and the responsibilities associated with these computers. If there are any questions, you may direct them to one of your school's media specialists or technology teachers by filling out this request form:

Chromebook Responsibilities

All students in grades Pre-K through 12 have or will be provided a Chromebook for academic use and may take the devices to and from school daily.

At the start of the school year, students in prekindergarten, kindergarten and first grade will have access to Chromebooks at school when needed for instruction. These devices will not be assigned to individual students. Students at these grade levels who currently have Chromebooks assigned to them will be asked to return them to school. Instructions on returning devices will be shared with families by their child’s school.

At any time, families may opt to keep an assigned device at school rather than have students bring the device back and forth.

Chromebook Repair Costs

The following charges will be assessed for HCPSS-issued Chromebooks that are lost/stolen or damaged while in a student’s care and/or as the result of neglect on the part of the student. Students who currently receive Free and Reduced Price Meal services (FARMs) will be charged a reduced amount.

Chromebook Care

  • Chromebooks should be fully charged when you arrive at school each day. Students should bring the device and power cord, as well as any external keyboard/mouse they may opt to use.
  • Do not place foreign objects into the Chromebook’s ports. Cords, cables, and removable storage devices (e.g. thumb drives) must be inserted carefully into appropriate port on the Chromebooks. Be careful when inserting and removing cords, cables, and external devices.
  • Your Chromebook screen can easily be damaged! Excessive pressure can break the screen. Do not place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid. Never place heavy objects on top of the Chromebook.
  • Use only your clean finger or a touch-screen stylus when touching your screen. Do not use anything that may mark or scratch the screen surface.
  • Use a soft dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth to clean the screen or keyboard. Do not use liquid to clean the screen.

Student Technology Duties and Obligations

In alignment with Howard County Board of Education Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools and Social Media, students who are assigned portable technology devices, including Chromebooks, must adhere to provisions outlined in the policy and HCPSS Mobile Technology Duties and Obligations notice below, and may be fiscally responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices.

Online Safety

As we continue to rely on technology, it is critical that each of us does our part to ensure that technology is used safely. Threats to our online safety and the health of our technology are present every time we click a link, open an email or visit a website.

While HCPSS continues to invest in information security efforts, upgrade our equipment and ensure that our network is secure, it is critical that our user groups – which include students, staff and parents/guardians – do their part to maintain a safe virtual learning environment.