Fall '22 Parent/Teacher Conferences (Reading)

Parent teacher conferences will be held in-person on Monday, November 21st  and virtually on Tuesday, November 22nd and/or Wednesday, November 23rd.  During this conference window, you will be meeting with your child’s reading teacher.   Each conference will be fifteen minutes in length.  This is a great opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress in school and learn about their school day. Beginning Monday, November 7th at 6:00 AM, you can log into HCPSS Connect to view and select from the time slots provided by your child's reading teacher. If you do not have access to HCPSS Connect, please call the school for assistance at 410-313-5006. You will have access through Thursday, November 17th to schedule conferences with the reading/homeroom teacher.

If you choose to schedule a virtual conference, the log-in code will be sent to your e-mail linked to your HCPSS Connect account. Your child's homeroom teacher will be sending out more specifics about this in the coming weeks. Once you select the link, you will be put in a "holding space/room" until the teacher admits you. Many conferences will be back-to-back, so please only log in one minute before your designated time. If you are having technology challenges, send your child's teacher an e-mail or reach out to the front office at 410-313-5006.

Please contact your child’s teacher or the front office if you have any questions or need assistance.